
Welcome to Dr. Prakash Kumar Nayak’s portfolio a testament to my unwavering dedication to the field of occupational therapy to help my clients with physical and cognitive problems that inhibit activities of daily living, recreation, and education.  As you navigate through the collection of my accomplishments and expertise.  I invite you to dive into my journey and witness the compassionate care I provide to these in need. Join me as we explore the diverse domains of my practice and the values that underpin my commitment to …….. well being.

About me

Hello, I’m Dr. Prakash Kumar Nayak, a highly skilled and compassionate clinical (occupational therapist of the rehab of Aasha multidisciplinary clinic) committed to promote good mental health and assist recovery of children/people to live a life of satisfaction and to improve quality of life with dedication and with an experience of 13 years and serving positive results with my knowledge and experience.

Medical Specializations

Master’s in occupational therapy, (MOT) and Bachelor in occupational therapy (BOT), S.V.NIRTAR

Patient care and empathy

Patient care lies at the heart of my clinical practice. In this section I share stories that highlight my commitment to providing compassionate, patient – ………. Care givers. I aim to faster a supportive environment where trust, empathy and open communication flourish.


Thank you for taking the time to explore my portfolio, a reflection of my unwavering commitment to client care, clinical expertise and making a positive difference in the world of clinical practice. If you resonate with my approach and are seeking help, I would be your trusted partner on your journey to achieve optimal health. Together let us forge a path of healing, empowerment and transformative experiences that improve lives of clients in all aspects.

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